Also a few days ago I added NEW Hanson pics to the front page but didnt have time to add it to these updates!
Well we've updated a few things off and on but never reported it.
We have a new feature on our message board so check out the main page for details or our forums.
1 year ago today - 9/11
Remember those lost as you wear Red, White, and Blue.
Red, White, and Blue - These colors never run.
Not a lot has been going on in "Hansonland" for us to report on. We have however, updated the posers section with a list of Hanson posers, so you might want to check that out if you're into that kind of thing. Also we wanted to let you know that we are working on another HansonStatus site with many, many, MANY more features and that is kinda why we haven't updated this one as much. We will update it a lot more from now on, so keep your bookmarks here!!!
We've updated a little bit but didn't record it here. We don't always get a chance if we get something new and don't have time to update much. How's everyone still doing out there???? Hope you're all great especially as we approach a new school year for most.
Updates: Links, Front Page
COMING SOON: A HansonStatus Newsletter, Random Quote Generator of Hanson quotes, a Top Ten Hanson Website List, Website Awards and so much more we don't want to tell you and ruin the surprise!!!!
Wow... so many updates. First things first..... Expect HansonStatus to change in the near future. We are going to have a new look, possibly move to Angelfire or another like host, new info, new polls, new sections..... new practically everything. We're going to try to make things a little more of a "personal" feel for you fans..... to get you involved and let us know what you think on different things. Also, we will not only be about girlfriends, wives, etc.... we will have a more broad Hanson area BUT we will still keep you updated on Hanson's Status and have the most accurate info, pics, news and more on the girlfriends, wives, etc. So HansonStatus will be growing and we hope you come with us!! Also please keep those emails coming... its great hearing from so many different people and hearing so many different views. If you have a view and want it on our site, let us know.
For those of you who are Isaac Hanson fans, the new site will have much more on your man. Until the new site is made, please check back in here for updates and also our message board and Yahoo! Club. If you have any ideas on how to make this a better site for you, more fun, or just any cool ideas, please let us know!! hansonfacts@yahoo.com.
Posers Page Added, Links Page added, Easy-To-Join gear in Fan Interaction for our Yahoo! Club, Fan Interaction Updated, and I forget what else, lol, just look around.
Isaac, Taylor, and Zac have been spotted on Hanson.net a lot recently and have been searching Fan Sites so keep on the look out for those 3 Tulsa Babes to be online.
Also, make sure you check out the Hanson Hotline!!
1-918-446-3979 (note: this is not a free call)
8/14/02 2 new Pics!!!!
Thanks des!!!!! U rock. |

Ike's 7th grade ski trip with youth group |

Buy it today on ebay! |
We also have 3 new assistant webmasters! Check out the ast. webmaster page. Front Page, MB, etc....... more to come!
8/11/02: 2 AM
Isaac's Status Updated, Zac's Status Updated, and due to copyrights I decided to "modify" the FUTY into my own words of what they said but for the real version you can check out about any hanson message board, Daddy Tay added, and more pics added to almost every page!
Also here is an old article I came across. It is from TVGuide:
Hanson Boys Pait Up With M2M
Button-cute pop trio Hanson are exercising more than just their vocal cords on their current tour, spies say.
One tour insider says the brothers, famous for their hit "MMMBop," are enjoying extra-curricular practices with their equally adorable opening act, Norwegian babe band M2M. "They're key-swapping with the teen girls for late-night hotel trysts," reports our spy, who adds that they've also gotten in a few steamy sessions backstage.
Though she declined to discuss details, "Yes, M2M are dating the Hanson brothers," a spokesperson for M2M's label, Atlantic Records, confirms.
Hanson's manager, Christopher Sabec, was less forthcoming. "I don't have any comment on that," he told Page Six. "M2M is their opening act, they're friends... Beyond that, you'd have to ask them."
Later he called back to add, "The tour's been a great experience for everyone... I try to let them have as much privacy as possible, so I don't confirm or deny reports on their personal lives."
The songsters have mainly been shacking up at Hiltons during the tour, which started in Washington on Sept. 14 and wrapped up yesterday in Kansas City.
The Hanson brothers are Isaac, 19, the guitar-playing, "smart, geeky" oldest brother; middle brother Taylor, 17, on keyboards, who's "intelligent but freaky" and the best-looking one; and Zach, 14, the drummer, who's "level-headed."
M2M's Marit Larsen, 17, who plays guitar and Marion Raven, 16, on piano, are known as the "Norwegian Hanson" for their perky musical stylings and hits like "Don't Say You Love Me" from their "Shades of Purple" album.
Of course, since there are three Hansons and only two M2Ms, the numbers don't quite add up. But it's not an orgy. Our source says Taylor isn't joining in the fun and games. Marion and Zach have paired up, as have Marit and Isaac. Page Six Staff
I also want to apologize if I have been or rude to anyone in the past few days. My grandma is in ICU and isn't supposed to make it through the night so I've been a bit jumpy.
Isaac photo added to photo album, "NEW" page added (please read it), TONS of new message board members (so u might wanna check it out), Front Page, etc.
DATE: August 10, 2002 FROM: Taylor TITLE: Jimmy Eat World
Taylor talks about "Jimmy Eat World" and how he especially likes that "It may take some time..." song.
And remember that you can get a free month when you join Hanson.net today!
Also, the episode of Sabrina where Hanson guest-stars will be repeated on August 23, at 8 PM EST on the WB.
8/9/02: Well I have updated the site more than I have noted on this page but for the past few days I've been wrestling with Tripod to let me sign in and update. Anytime that I do not update the site for a few days, make sure you check out one of our message boards, especially the http://hanson.iboardplus.com one because a lot of times if I can not update my page, I will post some info there.
Here are the newest FUTY from Hanson.net
DATE: August 9, 2002 FROM: Taylor TITLE: late night ramblings
Taylor is up late checking his mail and says hello. He says that he likes checking it late at night sometimes because there is nothing else going on and he can talk a lot. He corrected some song titles, they are officially "Breaktown" and "Crazy and Beautiful." He also wants everyone to go see "Amelie" because "It was really enjoyable, kick ass, whatever term you prefer". He also says that the album is coming.
DATE: August 7, 2002 FROM: Isaac TITLE: Signs
Isaac writes saying that he saw the movie "Signs" and says that it was really good but not for the weak at heart.
Have comments on what they said?? Make your way over to our MB and tell us all about it!!
Updated Today on Hanson Status: Fanfest (New pics plus review), From Us To You (on this page), Message Board, plus more!
7/31/02: Zac's New Hair Cut, Try Hanson.net for FREE, Ast. Webmaster Page, Main Page and more. Make sure you check out our forums!! Also I'd like to thank you guys for coming back and for sticking in there with this site. It is awesome to check the stats and find that there are fans that come back each day and also those of you who chat on our forums and our active members. Thank you!! 8/1/02 = Taylor's comments on the wedding.
Ast. Webmaster needed
and more!!! just check it out
**Sorry I had been unable to update the page for a few days, but we're back on track *PROMISE* **
Updates: Zac's Status Page, Wedding Facts Page, and I did something else but I can't remember what *LOL*
Message from the Webmaster: WOW! I never realized so many people came here until I put a counter on. And to think I was debating taking the site down because no one really came or talked. Guess I'll keep it up for now.
Updates: Zac page *KIM INFO*, Home, Fan Interaction Page/Poll/Guestbook/Chat/MB, Updates page added, Rumors Page.