Name: Natalie Anne Hanson
Maiden Name: Natalie Anne Bryant
Age: 18
Birthday: There are many different rumors to when Natalie's birthday is. We've gotten: May 1983, Sept. 24th 1983, and December 28th, 1983. As soon as we find out for sure, we'll let u know!
Height: 5'6''
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Siblings: 1 Brother
School: Graduate of Northgate High School
Activities in High School: Choir, Musical, Cheerleading, Plays.
Family Fact: Her parents are divorced.
Where They Met: Lenox Mall in Buckhead
Met Through: Kate and Isaac
H.S. Fact: Natalie was one of the top in her class.
Birthday Fact: Taylor and Zac were in Ga for Natalie's birthday.
*More Coming Soon!*
If you have any information on Natalie or have a story about when you met her etc. please send it in to
Note: if you have Natalie facts, please state your source and send any proof you may have.